Minneapolis Southwest High School--Class of 1973

 Southwest High School 
 Class of 1973 

Great Memories -
Our 50th Class Reunion Weekend
September 2023 was amazing!
This was our 9th gathering with classmates
to remember our days at Southwest High School.
It may have been the very best yet.
Our thanks to all who attended!
And we missed all of you who were unable to attend!
There is always 2028 for our 55th reunion.
 Please email us with your current contact information so we can update and confirm
the accuracy of our confidential class list.
In the future, we will rely on all of You
to seek out reunion information and contact Us.
Let's share the responsibility!! 
 The success of each reunion, in every aspect,
is never certain until it's over.
The committee wishes to extend a special THANK YOU!!! 
to all of you who have shown interest and support over the years.
Without your attendance and  $$  $upport, the reunions wouldn't be possible.
And -
Many thanks to those who have generously sent donations to help with the reunion costs!!
The Southwest Rouser
by Kenneth Dixon, Class of 1943
Cheer South-west on to vic-tor-y
Cheer her on to-day.
Spread her fame and her fair name,
with constant loy-al-ty
March on South-west, March on-ward,
Victory's sure this time.
Fight for the pur-ple and white
Fight Southwest Fight!
Let's shout it from the hill-tops
Prove it every way.
Tell the world we're here to see,
A Southwest vic-tor-y!
When from these halls we leave thee,
Loyal we will be.
True to the pur-ple and white
Fight Southwest Fight.

This website is a free service, and we will do our best to work within the limitations and keep it going for as long as possible.


Don't forget, we have a new email address as of January 30, 2022.

Our email address isMplsSouthwestHS1973@gmail.com

Please, send us an email with your current contact information (name, mailing address, email address, and phone number) so we can most efficiently send information to each of you.  All contact information will remain confidential.

And -- Check out our Facebook page: https:www.facebook.com/minneapolissouthwest73


Please keep in touch. Thanks!

~ Your Southwest '73 Reunion Committee ~

Doug Angove, Glynis Chuchel Grostephan, Leslie Granbeck,

Janet Olson Schultz, Jeff Senn, Luisa Valdovinos Cannon, Ellyn Wolfenson


To date, we've gathered at nine reunions in the fifty years since graduation.
As we get older the reunions seem to get better and better.  Or are we getting better as we get older?  
For some, high school was the best time ever, and for others, not so much.  Reunions can be a fun and fascinating chance for everyone to put it all into a fresh perspective.
As our In Memoriam list grows longer each year,
the reunions and a fresh perspective seem even more important.
 Thanks to everyone for attending the reunions, keeping in touch with the reunion committee, and showing your support.
We couldn't do it without you! 

In Memory of Our Classmates Who Are No Longer With Us:

Information confirmed as of 01/26/2024. Please notify us of any errors or omissions
(email address: MplsSouthwestHS1973@gmail.com).
Thank you

1. Kent D. Bemel, 11/1954-7/1995
(Kent was included by request and is not a SWHS graduate.)

2. Stephen J. Benson, 3/1955-9/2016

3. William M. Brosnan, 12/1955-8/2020

4. Debra L. Callahan Dunn, 12/1954-10/1992

5. Linda K. Carlson Morgan, 1/1955-9/2007

6. Claire J. Carlyon Heinonen, 6/1955-11/2021

(Claire was included by request and is not a SWHS graduate)

7. William S. Chiat, 4/1955-7/2020

8. David W. Collins, 3/1955-5/2021

9. Gary D. Colombe, 12/1954-5/1977

10. Patricia G. Cox, 3/1955-10/2017

11.  John L. Dare, 7/1954-7/1978

12. Susan D. DeGroat, 3/1955-4/1983

13. Rebecca M. Demarais Agua, 5/1955-6/2012

14. Arlan J. Dobbs, 4/1955-6/2011

15. Steven J. Dodds, 3/1955-8/2011

16. Steven R. Duggan, 1/1954-5/2017

17. Jeanne M. Durand, 4/1955-9/2011

18. Gary A. Enger, 7/1954-6/2003

19. Karen J. Gangelhoff Klancke, 8/1955-7/1991

20. Lance M. Garrison, 8/1955-2/2016

21. Harlan M. Goulett, Jr., 7/1955-4/2004

22. Craig R. Gudmundson, 12/1955-9/2017

23. Jill E. Halsey, 12/1954-12/1992

24. Bradley Herman, 9/1955-1/2008
(Bradley was included by request and is not a SWHS graduate.)

25. Denise M. Herrmann Apland, 3/1955-6/2009

26. Melissa Jenson Keyso, 11/1955-12/2003
(Missy was included by request and is not a SWHS graduate.)

27.  Kim K. Johnson, 12/1955-11/2022

28. Catherine A. Jungers, 8/1955-11/2012

29. James M. Kahner, 9/1955-10/1989

30. Michel R. "Mike" Kleiman, 4/1955-2014(?)

31. Jeffrey D. Kozberg, 3/1955-5/2023

32. Jill L. Krier Kraft, 4/1955-10/2016

(Jill was included by request and is not a SWHS graduate)

33. Susan C. Kulstad, 8/1955-10/2014

34. Brien J. Link,  2/1955-2/2014

35. Dan W. MacDonald, 9/1955-1/2019

36. Donald C. Martz, Jr., 4/1955-10/2017

37. Michael J. McKinstry, 3/1954-10/2004

38. Mary C. McNally Porter, 10/1955-2/2009

39. Timothy R. McNamer, 3/1955-12/2006

40. Cynthia G. Miller, 9/1954-7/2023

41. Susan A. O’Malley Blanco, 6/1955-2/1999

42. Christopher L. Parker, 5/1955-7/2012

43. Victoria L. Perpich, 11/1955-8/2006

44. Kathryn J. Pivonka Belair, 4/1955-2/1992

45. Michael D. Plummer, 8/1954-8/2002

46. Thomas W. Pontinen, 10/1955-12/2021

47. Wendy Jo Reimer O'Connell; 11/1954-1/2023

48. Timothy J. Rooney, 1/1955-5/2010

49. Michele J. Rusinko, 4/1955-1/2024

50. Kimberly G. Rust (Caitlin "Cait" Rowan), 5/1955-10/2016

51. Michael N. Schauer, 2/1955-10/2009

52. Maria A. Schmelz McCabe, 8/1955-8/2011

53. Pamela R. Schneck, 6/1955-4/2016

54. Jenee M. Sim Hannon, 4/1955-7/2021

55. Joseph E. Skulley, 9/1954-4/1987
(Joe was included by request and is not a SWHS graduate.)

56. David J. Sletten, 4/1955-9/2000

57. Sheryl A. "Sherry" Sullivan Smith, 1/1955-4/2015

58. Delores J. “Lori” Swanson, 12/1955-10/2001

59. John R. Taylor, 12/1954-12/2017

60. Joli M. Truelson, 12/1955-7/1972

61. Avery Laura Tucker Eduardo-Gonzalez, 12/1954-1/2011

62. John W. Zahr, 12/1954-9/2013

63. Christopher J. Zumberge, 1/1955-11/2023



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